Our glues Select the appropriate tab from the menu, or click the selected glue below. SUPER GLUE® SINGLE„Original with star only!” SUPER GLUE® PALETTE„Original with star only!” SUPER GLUE® – HELP!„Original with star only!”Super Glue Help! SUPER FIX PE PALETTEspecialized adhesives created for flexible connections. SUPER FIX PS PALETTEspecialized adhesives created for rigid connections. SUPER FIX PE/PS SINGLEspecialized adhesives created for flexible or rigid connections. EPOXIL MIXcold welding EPOXILINA MIXhome plumber EPOXILMIX TRANSPARENTNYcold welding TOTAL BUTAPREMwaterproof, irreplaceable for shoes TOTAL VIKOLliquid nail OFFICE WHITE GLUEhome and office – non toxic TOP-GUM®adhesives and vulcanization patches TOPGUM® 3 PATCHESadhesives and vulcanization patches GWINT GLUEanaerobic glue